I was describing my Literacy and Technolgy class to a friend. She is a staff member in a high school so
was interested when I began describing digital natives vs digital immigrants. I said," I did not grow up with technology.
I am learning to speak and understand the language of technology. I am definitly a digital immigrant and my "accent" is becoming
less noticable, but I think it will always be there". She replied, "Well, I am a digital ignorant."
Several years ago I felt the same way. When I began my graduate courses I broke out into a cold sweat when,
to use my time efficiently, I had to type a paper without pre-writing it by hand. It was a colossal effort. Now, I can't
compose my thoughts unless I have a keyboard in front of me and thesaurus.com in the next window. As classes flew by, I became
more adept at using Microsoft Word and other software. However, the WWW and Internet (I have learned they are two diferent
entities) were a terrifying mystery. I saw their value only for research. I would not consider allowing students to use
a wiki or blog for fear of unsavory characters preying on them. I now know that I can keep these tools private and teach
my stud;ents to be Internet safe. If anyone ever described how I now would consider technology such as IPODS or cell
phones as beneficial tools in a classroom, I would have called the men in the white coats and insist they take that person
away in a nondescript van with pads on the inside walls and strong, white bars on the windows.
I currently work in a high school library. I am now not only thinking about using technology in my own future
classroom but with my present students. Wait....did you hear that? It sounded like a howling dog being dipped in boiling oil.
Oh, I know. I just suggested that IPods be used in the classroom for learning. That pitiful, enraged sound is my co-workers
voicing their shock and displeasure. They already think I am too liberal. This will really send them off the deep end.
I am not too liberal. I have learned not only to utilize various technology tools but to use them
in a classrom to engage my students, encourage higher order thinking and allow creativity to show what they know and
solve authentic problems. I will be a better teacher because of this class. I am also ready with valid and reliable
research as well as inspiring videos and websites to eschew negative sentiments about technology and will educate not
just my students but anyone else who wants to learn.
Thank you Dr. Ludmilla Smirnova for this opportunity to learn and for your encouragement and above all -